How adorable is this backpack tho?? Backpacks are such an easy way to carry things around. It's also a little different from your typical hand or shoulder bag. I think these backpacks are a great go-to for summer. Also, if you're a mamma like me, they can be great to carry your children's things around.. Depending on the size you get, of course. I think these make a great staple, I know I've stocked up on a few. On another note.. Can I just say how much I love my blog?? I love it because it allows me to inspire others while doing something I love. It allows me to get creative but it also allows me to network and work with amazing people and brands. Such as Rebecca Minkoff, I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to collaborate with them on this post. Don't forget, consistency and hard work = keys to success.
But can we talk about success?? How do you define success? I think a lot of people, myself included, at times tend to put themselves down because they aren't where they want to be in life. However, I think success goes far beyond making it to the finish line. It's what you learn on the journey there. We all struggle, we all go through hardships and tribulations; especially when we are striving for greatness or working towards something. That's when I feel I face opposition the most.. But this is when we need to stand the strongest, when we need to keep pushing. We all grow and learn at a different pace so don't ever compare yourself or your life to the next person. Instead, cherish where you are in life and all that you've learned through your experiences, good or bad. In my short 27 years of life I have had to endure things I would never wish upon anyone. These, however, are experiences I am now very grateful for. Had I not gone through them I wouldn't be the woman I am today. There are things we have to struggle through to learn the lessons that are going to mold us into the women we need to be. Strong, beautiful, smart women capable of achieving anything we set our mind on. So if you are going through a hard time right now, KEEP PUSHING!! Don't allow others and/or society to define what success means to you. Learn as much as you can from mistakes you may have made in the past and keep moving forward. Work hard to become the woman you are meant to be. Never allow peoples negative vibes to distract you from your happiness or from achieving your goals. Be kind to yourself as you go through life's constant changes. Learn to love yourself through every stage of growth.
Love Luchi <3
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