Leggings- F21 old SIMILAR: HERE & HERE // BOOTS- Target HERE // Sweater- H&M SIMILAR: HERE & HERE // Cardigan- Boyfriends Closet =D
Hello guys!!! Sorry for the long break away from my blog, but I really needed it. Lately I have been all about not getting ready LOL.. I get lazy sometimes. This is definitely a lazy look for me. I don't know about you but as soon as it begins to get cold all I want to do is hibernate.. I think that's why I have such a hard time getting ready once this time of year comes around. I HATE the cold!! To top it off we just got back from California on Monday and I was loving the weather out there. I wish I could live there, it's so beautiful there.. Maybe some day that will be my home ;) Well, hope you guys enjoyed my lazy outfit. Who else borrows stuff from their fiance/boyfriend/husband? I can't possibly be the only one, or am I? LOL. Goodnight lovelies!
Love Luchi <3